Octuplets: *Angels in Waiting’s* offer of free 24/7 care for all 14 was REFUSED

February 20, 2009

(3-10) Octuplets: Updated list of  posts

CBS News, Julie Chen spoke with Gloria Allred, Linda West Conforti from Angles in Waiting, and Jackie Peebles, Infant Developmental Needs Expert. (links below) They discussed the services that would be provided that woman 24/7 free of charge – including expert neonatal care, evaluation of the other six children and therapy for the mother. [May be the the sticking point.] They would also train the mother to care for her children.

They would have a home and they would all be allowed to stay together at this point. It is the optimal outcome and yet the mother refused – assuring the failure of those octuplets.

How many foster moms can care for them better than the comprehensive care they would have received?

And how many foster care facilities or families could handle more than one?

And here is where the neglect comes in to the point of abuse. Angels in Waiting was offering full spectrum care for all 14. Meaning the older 6 would have been evaluated and their special needs addressed, which now will not happen. That is child abuse. Period. There is reportedly a child with mild speech delay, who has only a short window, and she is willingly denying her child that.

They project that it would cost $130K/month and none of it would come from Medi-Cal or the California taxpayers – they are privately funded. And I am certain that folks who had been hesitating to donate might now – knowing that she is being watched and the children are truly being cared for and that it won’t be going to fund more IVF or cosmetic surgery.

And their estimate doesn’t even include the care the octuplets have been receiving from minute one. Who paid for her prenatal care? It will probably be close to $2M total bills before they leave the hospital and someone is going to have to eat that – either the hospital or Medi-Cal. If it’s the hospital – her selfishness will directly limit the amount of charity care the hospital can offer to pregnant mothers, sick children, seniors or whomever in the immediate future.

Child Protective Services, please don’t wait any longer.


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(1-30) Octuplets: What is really going on?
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(2-26) Octuplets: Video of inside the home
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(2-26) Octuplets: Body language mother vs grandmother video(Part 2)
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(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother on The Early Show (Part 1)
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother on The Early Show (Part 2)
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother on The Early Show (Part 3)
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother’s first interview (Feb 9th)
(2-29) Octuplets: What about the other children?
(3-3) Octuplets: Gloria Allred & *Angels in Waiting* (CBS video)
(3-3) Octuplets: Gloria Allred & *Angels in Waiting* offer (press conference)
(3-2) Octuplets: *Angels in Waiting’s* free 24/7 care for all 14 REFUSED
(3-2) Octuplets: What is it going to take?
(3-3) Octuplets: Sen Hudgens (R-GA) “Octomom Bill”
(3-5) Octuplets: Dear LA Department of Children and Family Services: re Nadya Suleman

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