Sammy Sosa finally got caught

one of the missing posts

June 18, 2009

It appears Sammy Sosa was also one of the players to test positive in 2003. What a shocker. He didn’t even try to hide it with his elastic shirt sleeves. 2003 tests were the first done by MLB and were to remain anonymous according to an agreement with the players union. They were supposed to be a “test” testing where if more than 5% of the results were positive, MLB would institute testing with penalties in 2004, which of course is what happened.

The questions being: why were the results never destroyed or at least the names that went with the positive tests and why are the results being leaked? And of course who else is on there? There are 104 names.

The players’ union has been fighting in the California courts and supposedly a ruling is due soon. Doesn’t matter once the names are out.  Why doesn’t somebody leak them all? Alex Rodriguez’s name was the first to come out in February and he subsequently admitted to using steroids – his admission prompted by Selena Roberts’ book which came out in May.

Sammy’s lawyers evidently don’t know what substance he tested positive for.

In 2005, Sammy testified before the House Committee and said, while pretending he couldn’t speak/understand English very well:

To be clear. I have never taken illegal performance-enhancing drugs. I have never injected myself or had anyone inject me with anything.

So will they investigate him for perjury? UPDATED: YES. Clemens was referred for perjury charges and his case is with a federal grand jury. McGwire at least had the decency not to lie and look guilty. Palmiero did a Bill Clinton point and said: “I have never used steroids. Period.” Only to test positive later 5 months later. Is his name on the list? Clemens? Bonds the biggest cheater of them all? He’s awaiting trial for lying to a federal grand jury under oath when he never “knowingly” used performance enhancers.

I hope every single one of those names get out. I’m curious if Ken Griffey, Jr, Curt Shilling or Frank Thomas are on the list. And what about Wade Boggs? Ron Santo should have gotten in before him. Here’s what Ryno had to say about Sammy. Sammy should never be honored by the Cubs in any fashion.

Source: New York Times’ MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT

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