Octuplets: Should not be sent home with that woman

February 9, 2009

(3-10) Octuplets: Updated list of  posts

rant alert

That selfish woman has no income, no husband, no residence, no support system, no help, no morals, no idea what she is doing, no housekeeping skills and truly no clue what she is in for. She wanted to be pregnant – she did not want the children. She liked the idea of a large family because she was an only child?

No true mother would do what she did to the six children she already had. Children she is and has already proven to be incapable of caring for and supporting.

That is child neglect. Period.

SULEMAN: I feel as though I’ve been under the microscope because I’ve chosen this unconventional kind of life. I didn’t intend on it being unconventional. It just turned out to be. All I wanted was children. I wanted to be a mom. That’s all I ever wanted in my life.

How is that in touch with reality? She didn’t intend it to be unconventional? Six in vitro pregnancies? Agreeing to have at least six embryos implanted in her obviously fertile uterus that had already produced twins? How is that anything but intentional? It’s pure delusion.

The grandmother is just as responsible – though now she is speaking out. She knew what was happening…has been happening and she allowed it. Somebody was paying for those medical treatments. Somebody has been paying for food and clothing and watching the children.

That woman claims disability from a back injury? How did she make it through six pregnancies – one twins – one octuplets? You cannot do that with an injured back. It is physically and physiologically impossible.

Social Services and Child Protective Services better make a house visit before those children go home. A home they should never go to. That woman needs a psychiatric evaluation to assess her ability to keep those children well-cared for and safe. I don’t think she deserves to keep any of them and I predict she will not end up with them. She can’t even care for the six she already has. She has committed the most heinous act of selfishness. She belongs in jail or a psych ward.

My opinion.

What she has done is nothing less than criminal. She defrauded the welfare system before she had those children knowing full well they would have no father in the picture and no way to pay for even the hospital bill.If you look at her you can see she has had some seriously expensive plastic surgery just on her face. How did she pay for it? How did she pay the medically negligently, morally bankrupt fertility doctor?

I will state once more: the octuplets should not be going home with that woman. She is incapable of caring for them physically, mentally and certainly not emotionally.

Watch her interview. Watch her touch those octuplets. Listen to how she speaks to them. She is completely detached from them. She is completely incapable of caring for herself.

Who is looking out for the older sibling’s welfare? Who is going to nurture and love them? Make sure they are educated? Potty train them? Get them dressed and off to school? Do they even go to school?

Ann Curry asked her if she was going to have more children. She said that the octuplets were a sign from God to stop. After 14 children she needs a sign from God to stop. That is mental illness. And why weren’t her tubes tied when they were in there?

My opinion.

My opinion from being raised in a double digit family. No one raised in one ever wants to have one because they know how totally unfair it is to each child. And that woman – she is a birther not a mother – did it intentionally for selfish gain. She intentionally chose to neglect the six children she already had in order to fulfill her delusional fantasy. She intentionally created eight more lives when she couldn’t care for the six she had already created in a laboratory.

Watch the video, read her words, read her grandmother’s words and look at the pictures of her filthy house.

This was no miracle from God. It was a “miracle” of science. An abomination of man. Her uterus was used as a baby factory.

It is clear to the entire television audience that she is completely devoid from the reality of caring for premature infants. If you watched any of Ann Curry’s interviews with the McCaughey septuplets – you would see how many volunteers were needed just to care for them and there was a fully present, live-in, not just a sperm donor father and only one big sister. Those premies were not brought home to six children under seven. And the McCaughey’s had a wonderful support system in their town and church – something that selfish woman does not.

That’s enough. This truly makes me sick to think about the six already home who have been neglected and how they will continue to be for the rest of their lives. That is not fair. Period. It is clear premeditated child neglect – no way around it. Those children need undivided attention and the octuplets will need around the clock care. They should be given to parents who have not been able to conceive and who would devote every moment to them. I’m sure there are no shortage of willing couples. I pray to God that happens.

Every single one of those children could have cerebral palsy, blindness or brain damage – just to start with.

What is she going to do then?

And where is the outrage over the fact that she is incapable of paying a single bill but could spend thousands of dollars on cosmetic surgery?


(1-30) Octuplets: Ethics of fertility treatment?
(1-30) Octuplets: What is really going on?
(2-9) Octuplets: Should not go home with that woman
(2-9) Octuplets: Octuplets: already filthy house unfit for children (pix)
(2-23) Octuplets: Mother vs grandmother caught on tape
(2-24) Octuplets: Cosmetic surgery, IVF, food stamps, disability, bankruptcy & foreclosure
(2-24) Octuplets: Mother before/after plastic surgery & Angelina Jolie (pix)
(2-25) Octuplets: Grandfather on Oprah daughter “not mentally complete”
(2-25) Octuplets: Hospital questioning her ability to care for children
(2-26) Octuplets: Video of inside the home
(2-26) Octuplets: Body language mother vs grandmother video(Part 1)
(2-26) Octuplets: Body language mother vs grandmother video(Part 2)
(2-27) Octuplets: Man claiming to be sperm donor
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother on The Early Show (Part 1)
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother on The Early Show (Part 2)
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother on The Early Show (Part 3)
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother’s first interview (Feb 9th)
(2-29) Octuplets: What about the other children?
(3-3) Octuplets: Gloria Allred & *Angels in Waiting* (CBS video)
(3-3) Octuplets: Gloria Allred & *Angels in Waiting* offer (press conference)
(3-2) Octuplets: *Angels in Waiting’s* free 24/7 care for all 14 REFUSED
(3-2) Octuplets: What is it going to take?
(3-3) Octuplets: Sen Hudgens (R-GA) “Octomom Bill”
(3-5) Octuplets: Dear LA Department of Children and Family Services: re Nadya Suleman

2 Responses to “Octuplets: Should not be sent home with that woman”

  1. mattie14 Says:

    Hi Cathy.

    More good points. Thank you.

    Yes, unfortunately these things are true.

    “If she is unfit, or abusive, then yes, save the children.”

    Yes, she is absolutely 100% unfit and abusive and the children need to be saved.

    I don’t know which of the posts you’ve looked at – but here are some absolute — as in legal papers — facts. If after reading the facts you think she is not unfit then there’s nothing more I can say.

    Make sure to look at her pictures and you will see how much plastic surgery she has had. Even her ex-boyfriend (who thinks he’s the sperm donor) said she looks unrecognizable.

    She has no job.
    She has no home.
    She has no income.

    The children have no father.
    The grandfather (67) who was helping support here is about to return to Iraq – his birthplace – so he can make some money.
    The grandmother (69) is a retired teacher.
    There are no other immediate family members.

    Sometime in 2007, her parents abandoned a home.

    In March 2008, they filed for bankruptcy claiming $1M outstanding liabilities.

    In May 2008, the grandmother stopped making mortgage payments.

    Earlier this month, a foreclosure notice was filed – she is $23K in arrears.

    The 3-bedroom house that the six children and adults are living can go up for auctions as soon as May 5th.

    She has been getting disability (2002-2008) for a “bad back” a total of $168K and had been getting $490 in food stamps.

    Three of the oldest six have neurological disabilities including autism and ADHD and have been getting federal assistance as well.

    She lied about it several times.

    See the posts for links.

    She went and had 6 embryos implanted knowing that the most recent pregnancy was a twin birth and that she could quite possibly give birth to six children – knowing that 3/6 already born via IVF children had neurological disabilities – knowing that she had no means of personal income to support them – knowing there would be no income from the sperm donor – knowing that the person she was financially dependent on filed for bankruptcy – knowing that the person who was providing her children shelter stopped making mortgage payments – knowing that her children could be homeless and knowing she would not be able to pay the hospital bill even for one child.

    What type of “mother” willingly gets implanted with 6 more embryos knowing full well that by the time she would give birth she and her already-birthed children could be homeless?

    Do you know anyone who has children with autism or ADHD? Just one child? Imagine the attention those three already have not been getting and it will only get worse and the mother knew that. She knew that 100%. This was not a miracle by God – it was an abomination created by a doctor who should never touch living flesh again. He has a 49 y/o woman with quadruplets right now.

    There is no comparison between a large family by natural means and a woman who used her uterus as a birthing factory to collect children because she wanted a big family. Her own father said she is “not mentally complete”.

    And about the press tearing everything apart? No. I absolutely would not want the press in my business.

    But she CHOSE – as in free will – to do what she did and she needs every inch of scrutiny to make sure all of those children are cared for.

  2. mattie14 Says:

    Hi Cathy.

    Thanks for your thoughts. You have some good points.

    I am from the bottom half of a double digit family and I am speaking from that experience. I also know mental illness when I see it.

    Your grandparents trusted in God to send how many. They did not have access to today’s birth control methods – had they chosen to use them. They did not expand their families through artificial means – 100% preventable means. And they did not expand their family knowing that none of their children would not have a father.

    Big difference.

    This woman used her uterus as a birthing factory. She went and got in vitro fertilization on purpose to become pregnant. She went back not once, now twice, not thrice, not four times – she went at least five times knowing full well that each time she was implanted she could have multiple births.

    She also went there each time knowing the children would never have the biological father in their lives.

    She went there knowing she could not support any of the children she had. And she kept going back knowing that any further children she had she could not provide for.

    She went there knowing she was having children out of her own desire to have a big family with no regard for the children already at home.

    You say she didn’t plan on 8 at once – but she knew there was a possibility. She had 6 embryos implanted so she knew that all six could take – so yes she knew what could happen. Especially since the last birth previous was a twin birth.

    She went there after or while she spent tens of thousands of dollars on facial cosmetic surgery (and who knows what on her body) which was not used for her children.

    She went there and spent tens of thousands of dollars to pay for the IVF when she was incapable of caring for the children already born.

    That is wrong.

    I am not gossiping. I am utterly disgusted.

    There is no way on earth to justify what she did.

    One can choose not to be outraged. I am choosing to speak up for the six children who have already been neglected by this woman.

    Over the last 96 months or so she has been intentionally pregnant for half of them. 48 months – 4 years of being pregnant and her oldest child is 7.

    How much attention do you think the kids already born were getting?

    I am choosing to plead with the Child Protective Services to not send the octuplets home with her.

    Have you seen the pictures of the home the 6 children are already living in?

    Have you watched that woman talk about and touch the octuplets and comment on how she is going to care for them?

    She is completely detached from reality.

    And have you watched her fight with her own mother?

    Do you think of the children who have to listen to that every day when they are already not given much attention?

    Have you thought about the life ahead of the oldest child?

    I think about them.

    I am speaking for them because they have been neglected all their lives.

    And I am hoping that the octuplets get a chance at life with parents who are able to care for them completely and utterly. Parents who are mentally and emotionally stable and financially able to care for them. Parents who want to love and nurture a child not manufacture them out of their own selfish desires.

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