The defining moment in barry’s presidency for the MSM

June 12, 2010

Hello euclid0190.

I’m not 100% sure what this blog is about anymore. Pro-obama media bias was irrefutably proven in March 2008. barry has admitted it himself as has the MSM.

It’s kind of strange to behold their anger at him now. Who can possibly spin his not talking to Tony Hayward? One wonders what they were expecting him to do — change? And why suddenly do they care? What exactly was it that made them see him for who he is –  or in their case who he isn’t?

It’s interesting to read Mo Dowd and Peg Noonan and watch Brian Williams and Matt Lauer et al. It’s like that moment when you realize your parents don’t know everything. Only in their case they’re realizing their father talks a good game but doesn’t actually know how to do anything and doesn’t even seem to care about his employees.

And what they know deep down in the remants of their souls is Secy Clinton, Sen McCain, Sarah Palin and VP Biden would have looked Tony Hayward in the face and told him exactly who’s boss. Can you imagine any of them stillholding meetings at day 50 trying to figure out whose ass to kick?

No matter what happens hence that simple admission by barry was the defining moment of his presidency for the barrymedia. It was the first time they asked him a tough question, the first time they heard his answer and the first time they couldn’t spin it. In that moment, the pro-obama media bias bubble burst and the barrypropaganda machine reverted to what it should be: the advocate of the people.

Of course some are still at it and some have backtracked (Matthews) but Tom Brokaw’s face on Morning Joe was proof enough they have finally realized the emperor is naked. Whether they will ever take responsibility for not vetting him and/or for not getting down to the Gulf sooner remains to be seen.

So I guess there are no imperatives here anymore. As the only citizen left I do whatever strikes me or whatever someone asks for. And at this point I’ve had enough of WordPress making money off my words.

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