Jonjon Alter re BP: “It’s just another one of these messes that President Obama was left to clean up”

June 14, 2010

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Olbermann and Jonjon Alter discussing the stagecraft of barry’s Oval Office teleprompter session tomorrow. And as is always the case – none of anything is barry’s fault, including the BP catastrophe. As if MMS only existed in the Bush era and barry had no authority to do anything about it.

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Describes barry’s speeches as “eloquent fast food”:

ALTER: What he’s been missing is framing this in metaphors with language that sticks. And so I  hope they’re working really hard on leaving something that takes us beyond eloquent fast food that wears off quickly so that people can really remember something that comes out of this speech.

barry’s second year.

ALTER: Year two is only half over and alot can happen internationally that could be even worse than this – but right now it looks like this [BP] will be the defining event of year two…

It’s just another one of these messes that President Obama was left to clean up.

Who forced barry into the WH?

ALTER: It’s not that different from Wall Street — alot of ill-advised deregulation and a president, a predecessor who was asleep at the switch...

And barry was asleep for 16 months.

ALTER: I think it’s important that this administration explain that alot of this rests at the foot of George Bush.

That’s their answer to everything. And all it does is highlight how little barry has actually done since President Bush left office.

Alter is the single most infuriating barrymedia – worse even than Olbermann. He will spout whatever necessary to defend barry – so he (Alter) doesn’t look foolish. A tad late for that. Look what happened to Newsweek. And what makes Alter even scummier is he is from Chicago and he knows what barry grew out of and yet he pretends barry’s hands are clean. Who are the ignorant folks buying Alter’s books?

It’s outright crazy for them to try and blame the BP catastrophe – and more importantly barry’s lack of response – on President Bush.

How many people, after 18 months on the job, could say – hey it’s not my fault – it’s my predecessor’s?

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