Orly Taitz post-court interview (Part 1)

September 9, 2009

birth certificate posts
Copy of Kenyan BC, video, enhanced video, Inconsistency
Video: Smith vs WND Pt 1, 2 & 3, 4, 5
Lucas Smith affidavit

William Wagener Courthouse interviews

September 8, 2009
Ronald Reagan Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse
Santa Ana, California

wiliamwagener Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4

  • Orly Taitz speaks calmly and logically
  • Discusses the defense’s motion to dismiss
  • Lucas Smith – why no deposition
  • Gary Kreep being co-counsel for two of the defendants
  • Difficult because they have two different theories
  • Why is barry being represented by DOJ attorneys?

State Rep Cynthia Davis (R-MO) (they swore her in before she spoke!) talks about the Constitution and then the issue of how states can legally changing info on birth certificates. This is a new tack and a very interesting way to get her testimony public.

Why don’t they do it with Lucas Smith?


Most of the states can legally falsify birth certificates. They do it every time a child’s been adopted. They take the original birth certificate and instead of just simply redacting the information they will put on the birth certificate the name of the adoptive parents as if they were present at the birth.

And this happens all the time.

Most John Q average citizens have no idea how pervasive this practice is and how common it is for a state to put forth a birth certificate as if it’s accurate, when it is really not a true statement of what happened at the time of birth.

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