Kyle: update on barry’s birth certificate

10-5 Kyle – I don’t know why this got lost. It’s from Sept 27 and was up to date at that point. I looked through it quickly and updated a few things.

September 27, 2009

Updated birth certificate posts/videos/lawsuits

Standing: why none of the BC cases go to discovery

Hey Kyle.

I spent a few hours the last two days out reading blogs trying to find answers to your questions and I was realitized to the dark underbelly that is the birth certificate controversy. I realize now that it’s not so much folks want to get the answer (commenters on the sites do) as much as they each have their own underlying motivations. Some folks just want to stir the pot, some just want to make money, some just want to make media appearances, some just want to be the first! to expose barry, some just want folks to visit their websites, some just copy and paste and don’t bother providing an explanation or discussion, some just dislike barry for a variety of different reason and are using the birth certificate to legitimize their displeasure, some claim folks are stealing their work all the while keeping open their comment sections to get free tips, some are strict Constitutionalists, some are just inflammatory (race, religion, policies, personal), some just stick to the legal matters, some go off on tangents not related to the birth certificate, some just rant in response to certain other website or media outlets/talking heads and a new one that I would guess is Canadian or British that seemed to have links posted in a great deal of comment sections.

To each his own.

Then there are the endless anti-birther sites, most of which find it entertaining to ridicule, generalize, rant, and label folks racists, all the while using hate speech themselves. Every single one I visited believed barry has already provided his birth certificate. It was clear (to me) that some knew things aren’t kosher and were just propagandizing – why should he release it – it’s good politics.

It left me wondering why they are so invested in something they know so little about – but are absolutely certain of – concerning a man they know so little about but are absolutely certain of. Universally absent was any curiosity as to why he hasn’t just released it (or any of the other records he has fought to keep private). There was no concern that if he were proven ineligible or if something on the birth certificate proved to be embarrassing, what it would mean for our country and the world. There was no concern over the absolute media corruption. And there was no connecting the dots that Birthers exist because barry created them and that he has and alsways has had the power to silence them.

Then there were a few bright spots. A select few provided thoughtful essays and clarity on the issue and one website is run by a man with deep convictions, who spends hours and hours thoughtfully compiling articles and up-to-date facts, which he freely shares.

As far as your questions:

Berg has a radio gig and still has the same three cases: the no longer sealed one involving Eric Holder’s conflict of interest and barry’s senate salary, the original original BC case (Judge Surrick) has a hearign scheduled for October 26 and Mr Hemenway is still involved with the Hollister case (Judge texted, tweeted, blogged Robertson).

Kerchner/Apuzzo are still at it as are the citizen grand juries and talk radio.

Andy Martin, who started the FOIA angle in Hawaii, is still referring to himself in the third person and running for barry’s senate seat here in Illinois. What a turn of events that would be.

Orly Taitz is still all over the place. Her Barnett/Keyes case set for October 5th (new motions still being (mis)filed), Gary Kreep is representing 2 of Taitz’s ex-clients and has a different theory and doesn’t get along with her but they were not allowed to sever.

Mr eBay birth certificate with an agent Lucas Smith accused Taitz of telling him what to say, as did Larry Sinclair – going so far as to  file an affidavit. Then Sinclair began investigating Capt Rhodes letter as a fraud. The letter was addressed to Judge Land and was purportedly from Capt Rhodes stating she did not authorize Taitz to file anything else on her behalf and that she would be writing a letter to the California bar. The Court needs an original letter from her. Rhodes was ordered to pay defendants’ court costs, Taitz threatened with $10K sanction. Taitz said she had the implied consent of Capt Rhodes and wants to drop her as a client. I don’t know if Capt Rhodes is actually in Iraq.

Update: Don’t know exactly where Capt Rhodes is or whether the Court got an original letter but she is representing herself. Taitz asked to withdraw as Rhodes’ counsel which was granted. She also filed for an extension to respond why she shouldn’t be sanctioned and just to make sure he would be completely pist, she requested Judge Land to recuse himself. Today, Barnett/Keyes went before Judge Carter – no ruling given.*

I have to wonder who you are exactly, Kyle, because you riled things up and wasted a lot of my time, which I don’t appreciate, since I am the only citizen left here. Our policy has always been to answer readers’ questions but you’ve reached your limit. When you asked about that certification of nomination, you could have had the common decency to tell me why you asked. I knew nothing about the Canadian story or whatever it was. I looked in the drafts and found Justin Riggs’ letter to Nanci Pelosi and then went to his website and read letter after letter – even though the dyslexia makes reading difficult – which of course was a complete waste of time. I’m sure you know that, too. Perhaps you would be kind enough to explain why all this was necessary, since out site is not affiliated with anybody?

So, Riggs miraculously appeared in our comment section and emailed saying sure use whatever all the while folks were being referred to his site. I asked some questions – most notably why did he stop –  and received no concrete answer (he was doing other things) until he emailed back asking we credit some other person in that post related to what you asked about. Fine. I asked more questions and no response. And then only because I didn’t hear back did I go to that other site that wanted credit to make sure they knew they were credited. I take the accusation of “stealing someone’s work” very seriously since we credit everything that isn’t original. I don’t find it a coincidence that the first allegation (totally unfounded) took place after you showed up Kyle.

And what did I find there? Court papers were being filed re: Nanci Pelosi and those certification of nomination forms – something Riggs didn’t have the common decency to mention. That person had never given up. And whoever owns the site didn’t even have the common decency to respond to my comment that they were credited. As I said, this whole birth certificate issue and the lawyers and folks involved are the reason why it’s September 2009 and this issue still exists.

Then there’s Leo Donofrio, who made it perfectly clear he believed barry was born in Hawaii and the birth certificate wasn’t the issue – barry’s dual citizenship was. Last I checked he had been working on quo warranto and now? He’s interested in the birth certificate. Why? Because of Miss Tickly or TerriK.

And what else but a weird story would that be? She believes she was the direct cause of the second statement by Dr Fukino about barry’s birth certificate based on emails she had with Janice Okubo. TK worked her way through the Freedom of Information Act and the possibility of an amended birth certificate since Fukino’s wording changed from original birth certificate to original vital records. Why would more than one vital record (records) be needed unless something was not kosher with the original BC?

So TK was posting on Free Republic telling folks about her findings and they didn’t believe her (including Polarik) despite all sorts of proof. They attacked her because she had written in the past she was an atheist and because she had told another poster in a private email to eat shit or something and banned TK became. I imagine that’s why she went to Donofrio. If I remember correctly, she had also accused Taitz of sabotage and that was really on barry’s side.

Go to Donofrio’s blog and read for yourself. I can’t grasp all the legal jargon and statutes that he quotes every other paragraph. But it comes down to certain things are available to the public – Okubo et al were being misleading in their responses by saying they couldn’t releases anything. If there is no amended birth certificate then they should have told TK that. And there are ways to get more information because of the public statements she made.

Update: TerriK has split off from Donofrio and started her own blog. Don’t know – not interested – in why. Hawaii’s released some basic index info, including the names of the “bride and groom” but not “parents”. And guess who popped up over there? Riggs. He added a note on his website. *

I wonder why Donofrio never went after factcheck to get a copy of that COLB after he proved their “factchecking” was wrong about Kenyan citizenship. He had proof and an admission by them that their “factchecking” was wrong, which brought into question everything else about that COLB. He gets an independent look at that COLB, then Hawaii gets to admit they never sent it to barry, then whatever Dr Fukino saw has to come to light.

This whole thing could have been solved by the end of January if the media wasn’t corrupted. And that includes WND and FOX (Bill O’Reilly said he could find out “tomorrow” if he cared). If they had an actual reporter/journalist with any form of integrity, they could have asked Gibbs for a copy of the COLB and pinned him down as to the hospital – especially after the Kapiolani letter. All they had to do was keep asking and that’s all they have to do now. And it’s what should have been done last June when that COLB first appeared.

There you go, Kyle. Now you’re on your own.

In the spirit of common decency – something that doesn’t seem to exist in reference to the birth certificate issue –  I would appreciate your coming clean and explaining who you are, who you’re affiliated with, and why you felt it necessary to be so deceptive.

I have no interest in trying to find out myself.

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