barry in bed with BP?

June 3, 2010

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DAY 45

BP posts


The largest eco-disaster in the history of the United States did not take place on the oil president/VP’s watch – it took place on barry’s.

The man who promised to root out corruption in Washington! and who promised to Change how things are done in Washington! did nothing but accept more money from the offending oil company – British Petroleum – than any other politician, including George Bush \in the last 20 years. And barry hasn’t even been a politician that long.


#1 recipient of BP funds in last 20 years

#1 recipient of BP funds in 2008

It’s perfectly clear who was bought and who rooted out nothing, which led to the eco-disaster.

And there is certainly no doubt who has been failing to act.

The question remains:

Why isn’t the media asking if the reason barry was slow to act was because of all the money he took?

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