(Video) Holder: “American people will not pay a dime for the cleanup”

June 13, 2010
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Day 55

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Attorney General Eric Holder weighs in on BP. Olbermann leads with the true purpose of Wednesday’s WH summoning of BP executives. And in the end, will barry have spoken to Tony Hayward? And will the media ask?

June 10 Countdown

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“The Daily Mail” of London reporting that when BP executives meet with U.S. officials next Wednesday, including President Obama, they plan to offer to buy good publicity.

CEO Tony Hayward will offer to suspend BP‘s dividend payout, offer to do so, quoting “The Mail,” “in return for calming the political hysteria.” The dividend, the political football now, amid concerns that BP might reward investors with cash while spill claimants are still waiting and possibly even that BP might run out of cash entirely.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder today not committed to stopping those dividend payments.


Well, as I think we have consistently said it is our aim and I can make this pledge to the American people that the American people will not pay a dime for the cleanup of the Gulf Region, and that BP will be held responsible for all the damages that have occurred. And we will take the necessary steps to make sure that that occurs.

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