BP-WH meeting: Did Eric Holder make a deal too?

June 17, 2010

Day 59

BP posts

LIVE spill cam

Why would the man responsible for the potential criminal litigation of BP be present while a deal is being made to ward off civil litigation? Why else than to make another deal?

Doesn’t matter. He should not have been there whatever the case. Kind of like Biden and barry meeting behind closed doors with the Supremes while eligibility cases were presently pending the Court’s decision.

Can the WH legally make a private deal with a private company in a state of emergency and have it covered by presidential privilege? Privilege that Holder has to okay as of October 2009.

It’s always what’s not there vs what is…Holder’s presence vs Chief WH Counsel Bob Bauer absence.

And why is Valerie Jarrett in these meetings?


(Official WH photo – Pete Souza)

Clockwise: BP CEO Tony Hayward, BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg, BP General Counsel Rupert Bondy, BP Managing Director Bob Dudley, Valerie Jarrett, Labor Secy Hilda Solis, AG Eric Holder, VP Biden, POTUS, Homeland Security Secy Napolitano.

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