NYC board oks Ground Zero mosque

May 27, 2010

Source: CBN

A New York City board voted 29-1 in favor of allowing the 13-story Cordoba Mosque and cultural center to be built 600 feet from Ground Zero. The only hope is for the building that would be torn down to build the mosque to be named a historical landmark. Seems common decency from the “religion of peace” is too much to ask.

New Yorkers:

The greatest terrorist act against this nation was Pearl Harbor. The second one was the World Trade Center bombing. Now we wouldn’t normally have a Japanese center in Pearl Harbor… this is like pouring salt in the wound of America.

This is an insult. This is demeaning, This is humiliating that you would build a shrine to the very ideology that inspired the attacks of 9/11.

This house of evil will be the birthplace of the next terrorist event.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf “promised the mosque won’t be a recruiting ground for terrorists”.

We feel 9/11 very, very much. We belong in this area.

Has anyone heard Rauf’s name before?

Can you recall him speaking out against the 9-11 and previous World Trade bombers?

What did he say publicly about Faisal Shahdaz the Times Square bomber?

Pam Geller on Joy Behar

Geller update June 6 mosque protest, Reuters video

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