Hayward video ad: “I’m deeply sorry”

June 3, 2010

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DAY 46

BP posts


BP CEO Tony Hayward ad about a month late. But it’s a major improvement on his “I want my life back” video. [His apology] He takes full responsibility for the clean up – not the explosion – and will honor all legitimate claims.


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The Gulf spill is a tragedy that never should have happened.

BP has taken full responsibility for cleaning up the spill in the Gulf.

We’ve helped organize the largest environmental response in this country’s history.

Where all reaches the shore, thousands of people are ready to clean it up.

We will honor all legitimate claims and our clean up efforts will not come at any cost to taxpayers.

To those affected and your families, I’m deeply sorry.

To all the volunteers and for the strong suport of the government – thank you.

We know it is our responsibility to keep you informed and do everything we can so this never happens again.

We will get this done.

We will make this right.

For information or assistance: bp.com


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