Gov Schwarzenegger re: marijuana

May 6, 2009

Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger’s short thoughts on marijuana. He is still against legalizing it for personal use but thinks it’s time to look at it.

I think it is time for debate and I think we ought to study very carefully what other countries are doing that have legalized marijuana and other drugs, what affect it had on those countries, and are they happy with that decision.

I want to look at all that. It could very well be that everyone is happy with the decision and then we can look at that. If not, then we shouldn’t do it. Just because of raising revenues, we have to be careful not to make mistakes at the same time.

If nothing else they should decriminalize it and have folks pay fines instead of taking up court time and prison cells. Imagine the boost to California’s economy if it was legal to grow and sell?

Legal for medical use in: Alaska | California | Colorado | Hawaii | Maine | Maryland | Michigan | Montana | Nevada | New Mexico | Oregon | Rhode Island | Vermont | Washington


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