Chris Matthews re POTUS oil spill response: “When is he actually going to DO something?”

May 20, 2010

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Oil Spill posts

Chris Matthews onThe Tonight Show

Matthews doesn’t try to be funny but his body language does it for him. It’s clear he is not comfortable around women. When Chelsea Handler greets him with a peck on the cheek (because he has no clue) he sits down, ruffles his tie and actually makes that sound. All that was missing was the cartoon bulging eyeballs and the ah-oo-gah car horn. Then he crosses his leg and folds in on himself like a little boy taught to be neither seen nor heard, which explains why he can’t stop talking, which Chelsea mentions, which brings out Matthews’ most attractive side.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

NBC (Only video I could find.)

HANDLER deadpans:

Could you talk faster.

Everyone laughs but Matthews. He pinkens, looks at the audience, swallows a burp, turns to Handler and goes with the dumb blonde code words.

MATTHEWS: You know my dear, you’re beautiful…but if you concentrate, you can keep up.

Clearly a well-used line…to the mirror perhaps?

Jay Leno runs with it, Chelsea Handler doesn’t like it but plays along and Matthews grins like he’s trying not to vomit. Truly creepy.

Matthews mentions the spread of the oil in the water column and then speaks the truth about barry.

MATTHEWS: There’s a big danger here that the government’s not telling us the truth of how much is down there.

And Matthews isn’t forcing them to and it seems doesn’t know how.

MATTHEWS: I just wonder when we’re just going to blow the whistleI don’t know what you have to do.

The little chill running up his leg has taken on new meaning:

MATTHEWS: The president scares me.

He’s been acting a little like a Vatican Observer.

When is he actually going to do something?

He didn’t do anything to become president – why would he do anything now unless he’s forced to?

His voice cracks:

MATTHEWS: And I worry. I know he doesn’t want to take ownership of it. I know the politics. Because the minute he says I’m in charge, then he’s blamed. But somebody’s got to take charge.

Hello. He is in charge.

Then it’s on about illegal immigration.

MATHEWS: You know our president hasn’t stepped up to the plate.

When is he going to get it?

Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.

On to the Tea Partiers.

Matthews mentions Sarah Palin (says she’s a good politician), Rep Bachmann and Nikki Haley (running for SC gov).

MATTHEWS: They’re all very attractive candidates…they know the business…they know how to get an applause.

The problem is they really don’t know much.

Then compares the women to the “boring” Mitt Romney.

On one side they’ve got really charismatic people that don’t know anything. And the other side they’ve got people who know a lot and have no charisma.

Doesn’t grasp the difference between “luck” and proobama media bias.

MATTHEWS: So Barack Obama may be the luckiest guy in history. He might just run against somebody who can’t beat him.

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