BP oil spill posts #1

NOTE: No new links added here after July 2.



Updated 7-2-10

BP posts

*LIVE BP spill cam

The 11 Americans who perished

Most recent

Compare Gulf oil spread: July 2, June 2, May 2

Beauty of the Gulf: Port Forchon, LA sunset

July 1 LIVE spill cam screenshot

BP Sr VP Kent Wells explains relief well process

BP COO Suttles wants folks to “feel free to share their thoughts and experiences with journalists”

Day 72: Number of gulf wildlife affected by oil

Gulf signage: Bienville Animal Medical Center

NASA oil spill pix: Jun 26

BP cartoon: Greetings from the Gulf

Day 72: Map of oil spread in Gulf

Pres Clinton re: barry  and the BP OIL disaster (video/text)


May 25, Jun 4+ Air Force 1, Jun 6, Jun 8, Jun 9, Jun 15, Jun 16-19, Jun 21, Jun 23, Jun 25, Jun 28

BP CEO Tony Hayward

Hayward statement

Hayward: “the overall environmental impacts of this will be very very modest” (video/text)
Hayward explains his “very very modest environmental impact” comment
Hayward: “This is clearly an environmental catastrophe” (video/text)

Hayward: “We’re doing everything we can to stop the damn leak” (video)
Hayward: “Ultimate solution is the relief well” (video)

Hayward: “I want my life back” (video)
Hayward apology re: “I want my life back”
Hayward ad: “I’m deeply sorry” (video)

Hayward: “What BP Is Doing About the Gulf Gusher”
Hayward tweet: “We expect to be judged on the quality of our reponse”

Hayward: it’s food poisoning

Hayward: we’ll be able to capture the “vast majority” of escaping oil

Hayward re: $20B fund

Hayward opening statement (video/text)

Poll: POTUS/BP handling of the Gulf spill

Tony Hayward’s chilling at yacht race


AC 360: BP managing director Bob Dudley (video/text)
BP COO Doug Suttles capping update (video/text)
Candy Crowley – Bob Dudley (video/text)

BP refuses to change dispersant
BP re: subsea containment methods
Why BP kept the video hidden

BP must pay an estimated $69M to US by July 1
97% OSHA violations for oil refineries handed out to BP

BP logo change?
Google helps rehab BP’s image

“Friend BP on YouTube”

BP to donate net revenue from spewing well for Gulf wildlife fund

BP – WH meeting/escrow fund

POTUS re: BP meeting (video/text)
BP Chairman Svanberg statement, Q & A (video/text)
Svanberg re: ‘small people’ comment
Svanberg re: dividends
Hayward re: $20B fund
Bottomline: WH-BP meeting
BP-WH meeting: Did Eric Holder make a deal too?

BP claims total to date
Jun 13, Jun 19

Jun 19 oil containment numbers

BP hearings

Photo: Meet the oil executives
Rep Barton: Escrow fund was a “a $20B shakedown” (video)
Hayward opening statement (video/text)


58% favor offshore drilling
Aid to the US?
Free application: “Oil Reporter”
CNN has LIVE video feed of oil leak
Put Gen Honore in charge of something

Were the BP cleanup workers just photo op props?
Contractor: “I had no idea about the President”

BP Crosstown Cup (Cubs-Sox)

Day 58: Ass kicking expected to take less than 20 mins

Stop boycotting BP gas stations


2008: POTUS #1 recipient BP donations
Day 24: gets angry (video/text)

“Summary of the Federal Government’s Role in BP’s Effort to Stop the BP Oil Spill”
Executive Order: National Commission on BP oil spill

Politicizes disaster at Sen Boxer’s fundraiser (video/text)
Did his anecdote sound real? (video/text)
POTUS: “You never heard me say ‘Drill Baby Drill’” (video/text)

May 27 press conference (text)
May 28 POTUS remarks in Lousiana (text)

barry in bed with BP?
Time to hold POTUS responsible
POTUS to make 4th visit to Gulf (video)

POTUS has not ever spoken to Tony Hayward (video/text)
POTUS wants to know “whose ass to kick” (video)
June 8 Today Show (video/text)
Video remix: “Whose Ass To Kick”
The defining moment in barry’s presidency

POTUS chat with UK PM Cameron

POTUS: “I am confident that we’re going to be able to leave the Gulf Coast in better shape than it was before.” (video/text)

POTUS photo: Day 57
POTUS Oval Office speech (text)
POTUS re: BP meeting (video/text)

Child: “I’m not sure he should actually be golfing right now” (video)


Secy Salazar: “We will keep our boot on their neck until the job gets done

Rep Melancon’s emotional testimony re: oil disaster (video)

NRSC video: “Never Again” Obama and the BP Oil Spill (video)

Candy Crowley – Alabama Gov Bob Riley (video/text)


AC 360: Who’s holding WH responsible for slow response?

Matthews: “When is he actually going to DO something?” (video)
Matthews: “This president is not acting like Commander in Chief” (video/text)
Matthews: “No sense in my heart and head that this White House is in charge”
Matthews rant re: Oval Office speech (video/text)

Chuck Todd re WH non-response: “It’s either being stupid, arrogant or ignorant” (video/text)

James Carville: “He just needs to get down here and start doing something!” (video)

Holder: “American people will not pay a dime for the cleanup” (video)

Jonjon Alter: “It’s just another one of these messes that President Obama was left to clean up” (video/text)


Why it took so long for barry to show up
“Is it Obama’s Oil Spill Now?”
Oil lobbyists
‘Gulf Water’
BP’s new strategy
“Los Prez” to the rescue
Obamessiah in the Gulf
POTUS finally gets involved
When are they going to plug the damn hole?
Exxon Valdez vs BP
Criminal charges
barry & Big Oil
Spill cam….LIVE!
POTUS Oval Speech
Doug Suttles’ meaning of is

Is this what pelicans mean to BP?

POTUS party line

BP jokes

Leno: White House “the slowest moving thing on Earth”
Fallon: “Obama would be the least scary bully of all time”
Fallon re: BP-WH meeting

Flow of leak

Prof Wereley estimates 70K barrels/day – not 5K (video/text)
USGS official flow rate estimate = 12-19K barrels/day

Day 50: BP releases hi-resolution video of massive gushing (video)
Energy Dept provides online access to BP raw data
Tom Foreman demonstration of the magnitude of flow (video)

Day 57: Flow estimate = 35-60K brls/day


Map of spread in gulf
Time elapse map tracking oil spread in Gulf
In relation to wildlife refuges
Map of oil spread: Day 51, 55, 57, 59, 63, 65

Day 68, 70

Jun 25 NOAA: Near shore oil spread
Compare spread along shore: May 26, Jun 24


Beauty of the Gulf
Sunset: Perdido Pass, Orange Beach, AL

Oil encroaching wildlife habitats
Mississippi delta oil vs vegetation
Apr 25, May 4, May 9, May 11, May 17, May 20, May 24, Jun 10, 12, Jun 18

Compare: May 9 & 24
Compare: May 24, Jun 18

Open sea
Surface oil slick, dispersants, marsh
NOAA photos

Aerial & surface oil slick, dispersants, marsh
Oil patties – Gulf Breeze
Suspended in the water column
Oil-dispersant globs, sorbent boom

Oiled wildlife
Oiled Dragon fly, sea turtle, jelly fish
BP oil-soaked birds (gull, pelican)
Dead turtle, bird
Oiled Brown pelicans, chicks, eggs
Flailing bird
Dead fish
Oil-smothered bird

BP photo of the day
POTUS at the beach
Massive oil slick at rig site
Flailing bird
Fire on Discovery Enterprise from lightning strike
Which animal is edible?
The Pelican & The Congressman

Gulf signage
I want my life back
BP, You Killed Our Way of Life
Where’s the Birth Certificate?
How the hell are we supposed to feed our kids?

At the beach
Day 57
Don’t make me eat that


LIVE BP spill cam (livestream)

Failed dome, gushing oil
Blame game + intial video of underwater leak
National Geographic video preview
BP to continue LIVE video feed during “top kill”
Video explanation of BP’s “capping” procedure
Oil washing ashore LA pelican rookery
Day 50: BP releases hi-resolution video of massive gushing

Day 63: 40 de-oiled pelicans released back to nature

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