Archive for February, 2009

David Letterman: Crew of Flight 1549 (video snippet)

February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009


Super Bowl: Hudson & Hill lip-synched

February 11, 2009

February 3, 2009

[Seems I forgot to post this or things aren’t getting indexed.]

Yes. Faith Hill and Jennifer Hudson both lip-synced at the Super Bowl as did Whitney Houston in 1991. It became standard once Garth Brooks threatened to not sing in 1993. (Great guy) Now all the singers are required to furnish a pre-recorded tape. They both gave a great performance of a performance of their own performance. I find it very sad.

How long before nothing is live?

The Inauguration Quartet and Luciano Pavarotti at the 2006 Torino Olympics I totally get since their performances would not have been possible otherwise due to the cold.


Larry King: Crew of Flight 1549 Part 1 (video)

February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009


Earth to barry: you won

February 10, 2009

February 10, 2009

barry is back on the stump. He needed his fix of adoration and empty promises.

Hasn’t anyone told him the election is over and that he has a job and a workplace and that he is expected to do something in it?

And why is he complaining about what Hannity and Limbaugh are calling him when the people he’s talking to have no income?

They don’t want to hear him whining and they certainly don’t want to hear this.

BARRY: I’m not going to make any excuses. If stuff doesn’t work, and people don’t feel like I’ve lead the country in the right direction – then you’ll have a new president.

How is this inspiring people? How is it displaying confidence? Leadership?

Well, if it doesn’t work and if you’re still alive in four years – you can vote for somebody else.

Will someone please tell him the days of campaigning are over.

He got the job. He needs to shut up, stay home, do something and not be filmed doing it.

And if needed to go somewhere, why isn’t he going to Oklahoma?

How much money are these barry adulation tours costing the American people?

The $100 waygu steaks and endless bottled water?

The it’s so hot he can grow orchids in there Oval Office?

Octuplets: Dr Drew: “that is child abuse”

February 10, 2009

February 10, 2009

Dr Drew weighs in. Besides being a doctor, he is a father of triplets.

It’s not safe to have so many children at the same time. To have so many simultaneously is cruel. To have six already then eight, that is child abuse.

Source: RadarOnline

what about barry?

February 10, 2009

February 10, 2009

Yes, I have gotten off the beaten path. I needed a break from the utter madness that is the obamahoax so I could read, write and watch something 100% true and good. It’s a relief from the bot attacks. Makes you wonder why they’re still at it considering barry is the president and the Supreme Court knows and doesn’t care. Watergate is going to seem like a kid stealing a gumball. The serial botters are for sure official barrybotters as they have all the same “rebuttal” arguments replete with phone numbers to Hawaii and the Supreme Court!

I don’t know how many times we have to tell them that our beef is with the media. barry is a fraud and it has been proven over and over on this site and many others. It is fact. It cannot be changed. The media is biased towards barry. It’s been proven over and over with polls and examples and the media itself has admitted to it. It is fact. It cannot be changed.

Now it’s just a matter of continuing to document, but what’s the point? He is a national and international security risk. They counted on it and it worked.

The birth certificate issues are dead. But the weird and wacky facts about his mother are coming to light and so are his “clean” Illinois politics. It cracks me up that came out of barama matthews’ mouth. Yo, Chris, give us a shout out. That reminds me I have to get the polls together. Rezko is being reinvestigatged in earnest now that barry is “safe” and blago is handing out subpoenas. Anyone hear barry’s top aides have been subpoenaed? Can’t imagine a judge allowing barry to be subpoenaed when he has the Supremes in his corner. It will all come out and a see I told you so will mean nothing compared to the rage of the nonobamerized masses.

Anyway. Yes we will be getting back to barry and the media – it’s not like they’re about to change. chuckie T is in a state of ecstasy lately. His biased reporting didn’t have an ulterior motive Mr Chief White House correspondent? And Mika is ready to take over for Morning Hangover Joe.

60 Minutes links and video mixup fixed

February 10, 2009

February 10, 2009


Sullenberger family pix at “South Pacific”

February 10, 2009

February 10, 2009


60 Minutes: Flight 1549 Part 1 Capt Sullenberger (video)

February 9, 2009

February 9, 2009


60 Minutes: Flight 1549 Part 1 Capt Sullenberger (text)

February 9, 2009

February 9, 2009


60 Minutes: Flight 1549 Part 2 Flight crew (video)

February 9, 2009

February 8, 2009


60 Minutes: Flight 1549 Part 2 Flight Crew (text)

February 9, 2009

February 8, 2009


60 Minutes: Flight 1549 Part 3 passenger reunion (video)

February 9, 2009

February 8, 2009


60 Minutes Flight 1549 Part 3 passenger reunion (text)

February 9, 2009

Feb. 8, 2009


Early Show: Flight crew 1549 + passengers (video)

February 9, 2009

February 9, 2009


UPDATED: Crew of Flight 1549 awarded keys to the city

February 9, 2009

February 9, 2009


Sullenberger: “it was an amazing sight”

February 9, 2009

Flight 1549 posts


Pix of the day: Alien baby?

February 9, 2009

February 9, 2009


“I remember meeting a mother of a child who was abducted by the North Koreans right here in the Oval Office.”

Washington, D.C., June 26, 2008

Good Morning America: Flight 1549 flight crew (videos)

February 9, 2009

February 9, 2009

Flight 1549 posts


Sullenberger family hits Broadway: South Pacific

February 9, 2009

February 8, 2009


USAF donates bird-detecting radar to LaGuardia

February 9, 2009


Updated appearances (2-9): Flight 1549 flight crew

February 9, 2009

February 8, 2009


Etta James: “[beyonce’s] gonna get her ass whooped”

February 8, 2009

February 6, 2009

…someone has seen the light and spoken the truth. Ms Etta James, 71, was none too happy that Beyonce sang her trademark song “At Last” during the First Couple’s First dance for which he pocketed a cool $2M. She was talking to a Seattle audience and let loose.

ETTA JAMES: You know, YOUR president, the one with the big ears — he ain’t my president — had that woman singing for him at his inauguration. She’s going to get her ass whooped. How dare Beyonce sing MY song that I been singing forever. Now I’m going to sing it for y’all.

She added that she “can’t stand Beyonce” and that the starlet “has no business up there singing, singing up there on a big old President day, singing my song that I been singing forever.”

Can’t blame her. barry has a way of not acknowledging folks that made him and in this case Beyonce possible.

Another tidbit. barry’s family was supposed to be on the US Weekly magazine but he was bumped by a picture of “fat” Jessica Simpson. His response? “It was hurtful.”


Senate Joint Resolution: Honoring Flight Crew 1549

February 8, 2009

January 26, 2009


Milk, eggs, cheese & reefer

February 8, 2009

February 8, 2009

Burnley, England: Milkman Robert Holding, 72, was arrested for delivering marijuana to 17 seniors – one as old as 92. They would leave a note and he would fill their order. His stash was found by police in an egg crate in his van. The prosecutors accused him of wanting to make money. He plead guilty and received a 3 year sentence but his sentence was suspended because his wife has Alzheimers. How much money could he make off a bunch of pensioners? It’s clear they weren’t the ones complaining. What is that 92 y/o going to do now? Get ripped off by their grandkids? Lose their appetite and waste away? Just another example of reefer madness…on the part of the police.

Source: Red Orbit

Benefits of medical marijuana

Medical mucnhies hold the key to weight…loss

Ret. General McCafferty: “Narco Violence in Mexico: A growing threat to the US”

And if they legalized marijuana?

Dear Mr President:

February 8, 2009

February 8, 2009

The only task force you need to get the economy going is a tax task force to do an audit on every member of your administration followed by every member of Congress. It seems that is the only way they feel compelled to pay taxes. The American People might then take you seriously…for once.

We don’t know what a TARP is or a trillion dollars but we know how far $140K goes and we for sure know how much money we could save by not paying our taxes.

Why should any of us when the head of the New York Federal Reserve Bank and now head of the IRS doesn’t?

And what does it say about your stump promise to root out corruption in Washington when you did nothing to root out corruption when you were Senator of Illinois?

When you and you foul-mouthed Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel happily helped to get Milorad get elected in the first place?

We the People of Illinois will now have to pay for an impeachment trial and all the craziness with Roland Burris when your fellow democrats refused to seat a legal appointment out of political spite and embarrassment. How much did your interview by the Feds and the interview of your top advisors cost us?

And the cost of Rezko’s solitary confinement?

Was it to get him to talk about blago or to keep him from talking about your connections to him?

How much will Milorad’s criminal trial cost us?

How much are these multitudes of task forces put together to “study” things you should already know yourself costing taxpayers? Things that had you actually earned your job you could handle on your own. Things that had you had a history of making a stand — or at least once making an unambiguous statement and then standing behind it — you would feel confident about handling yourself.

You are a hypocrite.

Your inadequacy is already showing.

You may have had the highest approval rating going in…will you have the fastest drop as well?

People voted for you for some reason – try to do something as in ACTION.

Here is a hint: stay in your Oval Office for a day and pretend you know what to do. Stay out of the public eye, out of camera range and please stop the goddam speeches that are as empty now as they were on the stump.

I would remind you that when you speak now – people actually expect you to do what you say or at least have a notion of how to do it without 12 people standing behind you.

And, finally, running to read to kids “to get out of the White House” after 20-some days is not exactly building confidence – consumer or otherwise.

Kentucky Ice Storm homemade videos

February 7, 2009

February 7, 2009

Here are some home video made of the Kentucky ice storm from cars. Not exactly when they were shot – just posted.





Other videos Feb 2-5

“Hope” poster artist arrested

February 7, 2009

February 7, 2009

Shepard Fairey, barry’s “Hope” poster artist was arrested (again) on outstanding warrants for his street graffiti – what he was known for before barry. That isn’t the real story. The real story is that he based his poster on a 2006 picture of barry taken by AP’s Mannie Garcia. I’m not sure when this became an issue because Fairey has evidently never denied it. Probably came to a head after the TIME magazine “Person of the Year” cover. AP wants credit and compensation for copyright infringement vs Fairey claiming fair use. When you look at the images side by side it seems all he did was scan and colorize it. You can even see where he got the idea of the red, white and blue. The interesting part of the poster is the background – which is Fairey’s work – but most people don’t see it unless they’re looking for it. Without Garcia’s picture – that exact pix with that exact facial expression – there would be no poster. It’s kind of like taking a writer’s essay or a poem and then using synonyms. I wonder whose photo he used for the TIME cover. He made sure to have him looking the other and showing some teeth. Take note of the big $ under his left ear.


Name Goeshere

Shepard Fairey

Fairey talking about his poster.

Governor Palin asks barry to stick to campaign promise

February 7, 2009

February 6, 2009

Good luck. Though it is nice to see they are actually covering her professional activities. They have mentioned everything but the torching of her church, Wasilla Bible Church or the fact that it finally reopened. They totally ignored her Halloween effigy that hung for three weeks passing as “art”.

Ashley Judd has crawled out looking for a fight about aerial wolf hunting. Wonder what she thought of Palin’s Thanksgiving Turkey slaughter that ended up on ebay? And PETA forcing Biden to buy a second puppy. This world has gone mad with political correctness.

Anyway. Palin wants barry to talk it over with Canada’s Prime Minister when he makes his first international trip…while Parliament is out. Perhaps he’ll put together a team to make a decision for him. How much are these “teams” costing the American taxpayer?

PALIN: Alaskans have appreciated your strong support for the construction of such a pipeline. This project is now moving forward, and I believe that a discussion between you and Prime Minister Harper would greatly facilitate the process now under way.

The pipeline, currently in planning stages, could reportedly generate thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in revenue for the state. Obama expressed support for the project during the campaign.

Source: CNN

Strange how one is from Alaska and the other Hawaii – places that weren’t states when Biden and McCain were born.

Phelps: “I’ve been waking up to guys yelling into megaphones outside my window at 7am”

February 6, 2009

February 5, 2009

PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I inhaled…frequently. That was the point.

Does anyone deserve this? A single bong hit? Did he snort cocaine like the President of the United States? Here are Micheal Phelps’ own words. I think the picture says it all. It is so wrong. Just wrong. I truly wish I could find that person.

Michael Phelps

Quotes (emphasis added) from the Baltimore Sun’s KEVIN VAN VALKENBURG

Yeah, there are still goals that I have in the pool, 100 percent. But I’m not going to let anything stand in my way. If I decide to walk away, I’ll decide to walk away on my own terms. If it’s now, if it’s four years, who knows. But it is something I need to think about and decide what I want to do.

Does he smoke marijuana regularly? No.

This was stupid, and I know this won’t happen again. It’s obviously bad judgment, and it’s something I’m not proud of at all.

I will say that with the mistakes that I’ve made in my life, I’ve learned from them. Every one of them. And I’ve become a better person.

That’s what I plan to do from here. It’s definitely not what I wanted, and it’s clearly not what my mom wanted.

And what was the scumbag thinking? Did they consider his mother at all? I’m starting to wonder if it was a female. Why would anyone do this? Why haven’t they been outed? I just can’t get my head around it. And this is what has been happening to Phelps – all because of whowever’s selfishness and greed.

I’ve been waking up to guys yelling into megaphones outside my window at 7 o’clock in the morning. I’ve been through just about everything you can go through. I’ve had paparazzi people following me from my house to my mom’s house. People knocking on the door. It’s crazy.

Knocking on his door and bothering his mother. At least he can find sanctuary in the pool. But how much of it is desire to get in the pool and how much a desire to get away from the press?

It [swimming] makes me happy. It’s a part of me I’ve always had, and I’ve always been happy doing it. I like getting up in the morning and having something to do. On Monday we get back to two-a-day [practices], and I’m looking forward to that. I feel more comfortable here. This is my home.

It’s good to know his foundation is still going. I hope whoever funds it realizes that the kids will look up to him even more. Yes. The best athlete in the cosmos makes a mistake, owns up to it, says he’s sorry, takes his punishment and moves on. What better role model is that? What athlete has done that? And a mother and son cannot be any closer.

I think this is like the DUI, in that it’s something I can talk more about and make sure that nobody makes the same mistakes I made. What I’ve gone through in the last week, no one wants to go through.

I sure hope that’s all the scumbags do. Are people this jealous or hateful or greedy or what? An autograph he didn’t sign? Why isn’t anyone asking what the photographer was doing in the room. If they saw a “crime” being committed aren’t they obligated to call the police? I just cannot understand this. It is so sad that this is who today’s youth are about and what a tabloid will do.

Phelps’ final thoughts.

There are always people you can’t trust. During the whole thing, I’ve really been able to see who my friends are, who my family are, and who really loves and supports me. They’ve stood by my side, from the countless text messages, phone messages, e-mails, those are your friends. All those people who are around during the good times? Those aren’t your friends.


Barry the bonger’s: Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it.

Who’s calling him out? And why hasn’t he stepped up?