Archive for February, 2009

Today Show: Drew Peterson & Christina Raines

February 14, 2009


Octuplets: Church Nadya named doesn’t know her

February 13, 2009

February 13, 2009

(3-10) Octuplets: Updated list of  posts

There doesn’t seem to be anything Nadya won’t lie about. She says she has lots of friends and that her church is rallying around her to help her find a new home and yet her church does not know her.

Here’s a statement released by the church via RadarOnline: [emphasis added]

In response to recent inquires and media reports, Calvary Chapel Golden Springs is issuing this statement regarding several inaccurate assumptions regarding our involvement with Nadya Suleman, the Whittier mother of octuplets.

Nadya Suleman has recently commented she attends Calvary Chapel Golden Springs, which prompted several media follow up inquires concerning her attendance. Since our church is not membership-driven, we are unable to confirm or deny whether she actively attends this fellowship.

We can say, however, that she is not personally known to our pastors or staff. And to the best of our knowledge, Ms. Suleman’s only contact with us was a minor inquiry regarding our Children’s Ministry.

Ms. Suleman has also been credited with commenting that our church is in someway involved with the establishment of a foundation for donation distribution, providing her with financial assistance, and helping her locate a new residence. Our church is not involved in any of these activities.

Although we are not condoning the circumstances surrounding the births, we are excited Ms. Suleman did not choose abortion as an alternative. Because of the strain these new-borns will place on her family, they will need both spiritual and child care assistance from volunteers within the community.

Since Calvary Chapel Golden Springs will not be involved with the organization or handling of these assistance programs, individuals who are interested in assisting Ms. Suleman may contact her directly through her web page.

Calvary Chapel Golden Springs
Diamond Bar, Ca

Drew Peterson on Mancow & Cassidy Radio Show

February 13, 2009

Updated: Drew Peterson posts (5-9)

February 5, 2009

Christina Raines went on CBS’ The Early Show (2-2) with her father and said the whole engagement and moving in was a publicity stunt. In a childish reaction scumbag went on the “Mancow and Cassidy” Show (WLS-AM 890) (2-3) and swore that she asked him to get married 5 or 6 times.

He insisted that he gave her a ring and a” ring was given” and that’s an engagement. He went to Jareds because “you can never go wrong with diamonds”.

He was asked if he would want his child to be involved with someone like him and he said “definitely not”.


Vodpod videos no longer available.

WLS 890 AM “Mancow & Cassidy


Justice Ginsburg home from the hospital

February 13, 2009

February 13, 2009

Good News.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has gone home from the hospital.

And in a most fortuitous non coincidence, the tumor identified on CT scan that prompted the surgery was benign – but another tumor (<1 cm) was discovered and found to be malignant. The diseased portion of the pancreas and a part of the spleen were removed.

It was deemed Stage 1 – no spread into the abdomen, lymph nodes or other organs.

Source: CNN

(2-24) Jim Bunning (R-KY) ignorant comments on Justice Ginsburg’s mortality

Drew Peterson and Christina Raines to be on The Today Show

February 13, 2009

February 11, 2009

This is disgusting. Who is looking out for Stacy’s children? Christina Raines’ father never mentions his grandchildren – just his daughter. Official press release. Selig is blagojevich’s publicist.

PR News Channel:

Peterson and Christina Raines will appear together for the first time for an interview on NBC’s ‘Today’ show to set the record straight on their relationship, says Glenn Selig, Peterson’s publicist.

“There has been a lot of misinformation and confusion that played out on national television,” says Selig. “Drew tried to shield Christina from the media spotlight but when they broke up for a short time she did a live interview and it didn’t go well.”

After questioning from Julie Chen on CBS’ ‘The Early Show,’ Raines said that the engagement was a stunt. Raines then recanted the statement later that same day saying she never meant to say that.

Despite facing intense pressures from Raines’ family, the couple has reunited. Raines and her two children moved back in with Peterson on Tuesday afternoon. They are still engaged.

On NBC’s ‘Today,’ the couple will set the record straight, explain why Christiana said what she did on the Early Show, and why she decided to move back in with Drew. Raines will also address those who worry about her being with a man who is accused in the disappearance of his current wife, Stacy, and implicated in the death of his third wife.

Peterson denies involvement in both cases and has not been charged.

This first joint interview with Peterson and Raines was taped inside Peterson’s Bolingbrook home and is scheduled to air Friday on ‘Today.’

Cabinet defector #4: Sen Judd Gregg

February 13, 2009

February 13, 2009

Sen Judd Gregg decides he can’t work with barry anymore as Commerce Secretary because he has “irresolvable conflicts” over the stimulus package.

barry’s initial glowing words:

…And we know the only way to solve the great challenges of our time is to put aside stale ideology and petty partisanship and embrace what works.

As one of the Republican Party’s most respected voices and skillful negotiators, Judd is a master of reaching across the aisle to get things done. He’ll be an outstanding addition to the depth and experience of my economic team, a trusted voice in my Cabinet, and an able and persuasive ambassador for industry who makes it known to the world that America is open for business.

His team was caught off guard with Gregg’s decision. From Politico:

In a statement, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Gregg had “reached out to the president and offered his name for secretary of commerce” — and that he’d promised that, “despite past disagreements about policies, he would support, embrace and move forward with the president’s agenda.”

Obama himself told an Illinois newspaper that Gregg’s withdrawal was “something of a surprise” because the senator had “approached us with interest and seemed enthusiastic.”

Gregg was pulling a fast one and they finally figured it out.

GIBBS: Once it became clear after his nomination that Sen. Gregg was not going to be supporting some of President Obama’s key economic priorities, it became necessary for Sen. Gregg and the Obama administration to part ways.

EMANUEL: There is not hard feelings. It is better that it happened now than after the fact. if I said it wasn’t a disappointment, that would lack any credibility.


I’ve been my own person, and I began to wonder if I could be an effective team player. The president deserves someone who can block for his policies. As a practical matter, I can contribute to his agenda better — where we agree — as a senator, and I hope to do that. The fault lies with me. I may have embarrassed myself, but hopefully not him.

However, it has become apparent during this process that this will not work for me, as I have found that on issues such as the stimulus package and the census, there are irresolvable conflicts for me. Prior to accepting this post, we had discussed these and other potential differences, but unfortunately we did not adequately focus on these concerns. We are functioning from a different set of views on many critical items of policy.

Consolation prize: his 2010 senate seat?

Vodpod videos no longer available.


barry’s judgment on display:
Smoothest transition ever?
Cabinet defector #1: Gov Bill Richardson
Geithner: TurboTax made me do it
barry re: tax cheat #1: Tim Geithner
Daschle apology letter
Cabinet defector #2: Tom Daschle
barry re: tax cheat #2: Tom Daschle
barry cabinet defector #3: Nancy Killefer
barry’s tax cheats go free – Phelps’ friends go to jail
barry cabinet defector #4: Sen Judd Gregg
barry tax cheat #4: Ron Kirk
Dr Sanjay Gupta won’t be Surgeon General
barry cabinet defector #5: Charles Freeman

12 y/o boy + 15 y/o girl = 7lb 3oz baby

February 13, 2009


barry’s tax cheat Cabinet goes free – Phelps’ friends go to jail

February 13, 2009

February 3, 2009

Whereas Micheal Phelps admitted to his mistake – these crimes were not admitted to until those guilty were forced to admit to them because they were seeking top positions in the United States government. Positions they were appointed to by the President of the United States who claims to have “superior judgment” as his basis to be president.

They were appointed by a man claiming transparency, who has fought and is still fighting the release of his medical, school and birth records.

By a man, who has said on multiple occasions that no lobbyists will work for him and then promptly made exceptions. [David Axelrod was working as a lobbyist while he was running barry’s campaign.]

By a man who has admitted – the President of the United States – to not only smoking marijuana but to also using cocaine on multiple occasions.

“Words don’t matter?”

Clearly they do not. And he has no actions to judge related to his words.

Let’s start with barry’s cabinet and then barry himself.


  • Well known to be under federal investigation for pay to play – using his charities.
  • Both barry and he knew before the appointment was made
  • barry still appointed him and Richardson still accepted
  • Feds wouldn’t give him a security clearance forcing his withdrawal

TIM GEITHNER: barry: “common mistake” Geithner “careless mistake”

  • Appointed to Secretary of the Treasury, ergo head of the IRS.
  • Ex head of the New York Federal Reserve Bank – while Madoff was making off.
  • Multiple year tax evader.
  • $34 thousand dollars
  • Initially blamed it on Turbo Tax – financial wizard??
  • Signed a document saying he was aware of the problem.
  • Did not rectify his taxes even after he was made aware.
  • Did not pay taxes while working for the International Monetary Fund.
  • Did not rectify his taxes while he was working at NY Federal Reserve Bank
  • Did not rectify his taxes even after he was audited.
  • Did not rectify his taxes until after he was appointed.
  • Did not announce the problem until Senate Confirmation hearings.
  • Had an illegal alien working for him.

TOM DASCHLE: barry: “serious mistake”

“Words don’t matter?”

DASCHLE: “Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter.”

  • Appointed as Head of Health and Human Services.
  • Tax evader. And what will the IRS do to him?
  • $140 thousand dollars.
  • did not rectify his taxes even though he was found out in June.
  • Did not rectify his taxes until after he was nominated.
  • Did not announce the “mistake” until confirmation hearing.
  • Gave “speeches” for health care interests.
  • Reportedly made $5.2 million dollars in two years.
  • Is not considered a lobbyist because he was not “registered as a lobbyist.”
  • Wife is a major lobbyist. (She would have qualified.)

barry obama: “boneheaded mistake” by buying a house with Rezko, who was under federal investigation just like Blagojevich was. Rezko being the link between barry ad blago.

  • President of the United States
  • Ex US Senator, IL Senator and lawyer (not credentialed at present).
  • Admitted to using cocaine and smoking marijuana – most likely via a bong.
  • Sponsored illegal alien auntie, Zeituni Onyango, 9 years ago.
  • Although responsible for her – he allegedly lost track of her.
  • Allowed his illegal alien auntie to go to his inauguration.
  • Allowed her to not be taken into custody.
  • Allowed her to leave Washington afterward.
  • Allowed her to not be investigated for fraudulent government benefits.
  • Allowed her to remain and not be deported.

BARRY: If she is violating laws those laws have to be obeyed. We’re a nation of laws. Obviously that doesn’t lessen my concern for her, I haven’t been able to be in touch with her. But, it, uh, I’m a strong believer you have to obey the law. WHO?

“Words don’t matter?”

Barry spokesman, Robert Gibbs: the president does not believe it undercuts their ability to move forward on an agenda that matters to The American People.

Barry: [on Daschle]

Take 1: Does he still stand by Daschle? “Absolutely!

“Words don’t matter?”

Take 2 (GIBBS): It was a serious mistake, one that he caught and remedied. We still think that he is the best person to do health care reform.

“Words don’t matter?”

Take 3: Tom made a mistake, which he has openly acknowledged. He has not excused it, nor do I. But that mistake, and this decision, cannot diminish the many contributions Tom has made to this country, from his years in the military to his decades of public service. Now we must move forward, with our plan to lift this economy and put people back to work.

“Words don’t matter?”

Take 4: I think I screwed up. And, I take responsibility for it and we’re going to make sure we fix it so it doesn’t happen again.

“Words don’t matter?”

Clearly not. And now the proobamedia is starting to realize how they’ve been played. And how long before it happens again?

  • **

barry’s judgment on display:
Smoothest transition ever?
Cabinet defector #1: Gov Bill Richardson
Geithner: TurboTax made me do it
barry re: tax cheat #1: Tim Geithner
Daschle apology letter
Cabinet defector #2: Tom Daschle
barry re: tax cheat #2: Tom Daschle
barry cabinet defector #3: Nancy Killefer
barry’s tax cheats go free – Phelps’ friends go to jail
barry cabinet defector #4: Sen Judd Gregg
barry tax cheat #4: Ron Kirk
Dr Sanjay Gupta won’t be Surgeon General
barry cabinet defector #5: Charles Freeman

Final comments COLB vs long form birth certificate

February 13, 2009

February 10, 2009


Octuplets: Already filthy house unfit for children (pix)

February 13, 2009

February 9, 2009

Updated list of  posts

Here is a view of the wonderful living environment those premature octuplets will be coming home to. You decide if she is a fit mother from the physical – obvious evidence that already exists.

Photos courtesy of

“ reporter described the interior as “filthy”, with food on the walls.”

I hope Radar Online called Child Protective Services. This house is clearly unfit for young children to live in. And supposedly there are 3-4 nannies caring for the six children at the time these photos were taken.



What are the chances this house is childproofed?


How many choking hazards do you think are in here?


Vodpod videos no longer available.

Does grandmother look like she’s up to all night feedings, screaming infants, diaper changes and potty training to name a few? It’s clear she can’t manage doing the laundry. This is already evidence of an unfit parent.


(1-30) Octuplets: Ethics of fertility treatment?
(1-30) Octuplets: What is really going on?
(2-9) Octuplets: Should not go home with that woman
(2-9) Octuplets: Octuplets: already filthy house unfit for children (pix)
(2-23) Octuplets: Mother vs grandmother caught on tape
(2-24) Octuplets: Cosmetic surgery, IVF, food stamps, disability, bankruptcy & foreclosure
(2-24) Octuplets: Mother before/after plastic surgery & Angelina Jolie (pix)
(2-25) Octuplets: Grandfather on Oprah daughter “not mentally complete”
(2-25) Octuplets: Hospital questioning her ability to care for children
(2-26) Octuplets: Video of inside the home
(2-26) Octuplets: Body language mother vs grandmother video(Part 1)
(2-26) Octuplets: Body language mother vs grandmother video(Part 2)
(2-27) Octuplets: Man claiming to be sperm donor
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother on The Early Show (Part 1)
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother on The Early Show (Part 2)
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother on The Early Show (Part 3)
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother’s first interview (Feb 9th)
(2-29) Octuplets: What about the other children?
(3-3) Octuplets: Gloria Allred & *Angels in Waiting* (CBS video)
(3-3) Octuplets: Gloria Allred & *Angels in Waiting* offer (press conference)
(3-2) Octuplets: *Angels in Waiting’s* free 24/7 care for all 14 REFUSED
(3-2) Octuplets: What is it going to take?
(3-3) Octuplets: Sen Hudgens (R-GA) “Octomom Bill”

Octuplets: Should not be sent home with that woman

February 13, 2009

February 9, 2009

(3-10) Octuplets: Updated list of  posts

rant alert

That selfish woman has no income, no husband, no residence, no support system, no help, no morals, no idea what she is doing, no housekeeping skills and truly no clue what she is in for. She wanted to be pregnant – she did not want the children. She liked the idea of a large family because she was an only child?

No true mother would do what she did to the six children she already had. Children she is and has already proven to be incapable of caring for and supporting.

That is child neglect. Period.

SULEMAN: I feel as though I’ve been under the microscope because I’ve chosen this unconventional kind of life. I didn’t intend on it being unconventional. It just turned out to be. All I wanted was children. I wanted to be a mom. That’s all I ever wanted in my life.

How is that in touch with reality? She didn’t intend it to be unconventional? Six in vitro pregnancies? Agreeing to have at least six embryos implanted in her obviously fertile uterus that had already produced twins? How is that anything but intentional? It’s pure delusion.

The grandmother is just as responsible – though now she is speaking out. She knew what was happening…has been happening and she allowed it. Somebody was paying for those medical treatments. Somebody has been paying for food and clothing and watching the children.

That woman claims disability from a back injury? How did she make it through six pregnancies – one twins – one octuplets? You cannot do that with an injured back. It is physically and physiologically impossible.

Social Services and Child Protective Services better make a house visit before those children go home. A home they should never go to. That woman needs a psychiatric evaluation to assess her ability to keep those children well-cared for and safe. I don’t think she deserves to keep any of them and I predict she will not end up with them. She can’t even care for the six she already has. She has committed the most heinous act of selfishness. She belongs in jail or a psych ward.

My opinion.

What she has done is nothing less than criminal. She defrauded the welfare system before she had those children knowing full well they would have no father in the picture and no way to pay for even the hospital bill.If you look at her you can see she has had some seriously expensive plastic surgery just on her face. How did she pay for it? How did she pay the medically negligently, morally bankrupt fertility doctor?

I will state once more: the octuplets should not be going home with that woman. She is incapable of caring for them physically, mentally and certainly not emotionally.

Watch her interview. Watch her touch those octuplets. Listen to how she speaks to them. She is completely detached from them. She is completely incapable of caring for herself.

Who is looking out for the older sibling’s welfare? Who is going to nurture and love them? Make sure they are educated? Potty train them? Get them dressed and off to school? Do they even go to school?

Ann Curry asked her if she was going to have more children. She said that the octuplets were a sign from God to stop. After 14 children she needs a sign from God to stop. That is mental illness. And why weren’t her tubes tied when they were in there?

My opinion.

My opinion from being raised in a double digit family. No one raised in one ever wants to have one because they know how totally unfair it is to each child. And that woman – she is a birther not a mother – did it intentionally for selfish gain. She intentionally chose to neglect the six children she already had in order to fulfill her delusional fantasy. She intentionally created eight more lives when she couldn’t care for the six she had already created in a laboratory.

Watch the video, read her words, read her grandmother’s words and look at the pictures of her filthy house.

This was no miracle from God. It was a “miracle” of science. An abomination of man. Her uterus was used as a baby factory.

It is clear to the entire television audience that she is completely devoid from the reality of caring for premature infants. If you watched any of Ann Curry’s interviews with the McCaughey septuplets – you would see how many volunteers were needed just to care for them and there was a fully present, live-in, not just a sperm donor father and only one big sister. Those premies were not brought home to six children under seven. And the McCaughey’s had a wonderful support system in their town and church – something that selfish woman does not.

That’s enough. This truly makes me sick to think about the six already home who have been neglected and how they will continue to be for the rest of their lives. That is not fair. Period. It is clear premeditated child neglect – no way around it. Those children need undivided attention and the octuplets will need around the clock care. They should be given to parents who have not been able to conceive and who would devote every moment to them. I’m sure there are no shortage of willing couples. I pray to God that happens.

Every single one of those children could have cerebral palsy, blindness or brain damage – just to start with.

What is she going to do then?

And where is the outrage over the fact that she is incapable of paying a single bill but could spend thousands of dollars on cosmetic surgery?


(1-30) Octuplets: Ethics of fertility treatment?
(1-30) Octuplets: What is really going on?
(2-9) Octuplets: Should not go home with that woman
(2-9) Octuplets: Octuplets: already filthy house unfit for children (pix)
(2-23) Octuplets: Mother vs grandmother caught on tape
(2-24) Octuplets: Cosmetic surgery, IVF, food stamps, disability, bankruptcy & foreclosure
(2-24) Octuplets: Mother before/after plastic surgery & Angelina Jolie (pix)
(2-25) Octuplets: Grandfather on Oprah daughter “not mentally complete”
(2-25) Octuplets: Hospital questioning her ability to care for children
(2-26) Octuplets: Video of inside the home
(2-26) Octuplets: Body language mother vs grandmother video(Part 1)
(2-26) Octuplets: Body language mother vs grandmother video(Part 2)
(2-27) Octuplets: Man claiming to be sperm donor
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother on The Early Show (Part 1)
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother on The Early Show (Part 2)
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother on The Early Show (Part 3)
(2-27) Octuplets: Grandmother’s first interview (Feb 9th)
(2-29) Octuplets: What about the other children?
(3-3) Octuplets: Gloria Allred & *Angels in Waiting* (CBS video)
(3-3) Octuplets: Gloria Allred & *Angels in Waiting* offer (press conference)
(3-2) Octuplets: *Angels in Waiting’s* free 24/7 care for all 14 REFUSED
(3-2) Octuplets: What is it going to take?
(3-3) Octuplets: Sen Hudgens (R-GA) “Octomom Bill”
(3-5) Octuplets: Dear LA Department of Children and Family Services: re Nadya Suleman

Madame Secretary Hillary Clinton sworn in (video)

February 13, 2009

February 2, 2009

Here’s the video of the swearing-in ceremony


Part 1 was done privately in her office and she was sworn in by childhood friend: DC Court of Appeals Associate Judge Kathryn Oberly.

Hillary Clinton was sworn in as the 67th Secretary of State (15th from New York) after being confirmed 94-2. The two dissenters were Jim DeMint (R-SC) and no surprise DC Madame frequenter David Vitter (R-LA). He has severe castration anxiety and gyne envy and has to pay women for sex. He was the only dissenter in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee vote (16-1).

Her confirmation was initially held up by John Cornyn (R-TX) because a Republican had to do it. He wanted a roll call not the voice vote even though he said she would be confirmed. It was political theater. Period. Officially the reason was because he wanted to investigate Mr Bill’s foundation as if the reps won’t be watching it every hour. Besides Mr Bill signed an agreement that lays everything out.


CORNYN: But we should not let our respect for Sen. Clinton or our admiration for the many good works of the Clinton Foundation blind us to the danger of perceived conflicts of interest caused by the [foundation’s] solicitation of hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign and some domestic sources. The perception and reality must be that the office of secretary of state is viewed around the world as beyond reproach.

SEN JOHN MCCAIN: I think the message that the American people are sending us now is they want us to work together and get to work. I think we ought to let Sen. Clinton, who is obviously qualified and obviously will serve, get to work immediately.

Will Madame Secretary ever be viewed as her own being?

Immediately after being sworn in she resigned from her Senate seat. I wonder if she advised Paterson about her replacement. Tomorrow she will be welcomed at the State Department and give her initial press conference.

Taylor Marsh

Madame Secretary Hillary Clinton sworn in (text)

February 13, 2009

VIDEO: Swearing-in Ceremony for Secretary of State

TEXT: Swearing-in Ceremony for Secretary of State

Part 1 took place in her office with Madame Secretary’s childhood friend and DC Court of Appeals Associate Judge Kathryn Oberly swore her in on her father’s Bible. Mr Bill was there. Below in the blue highlight is her friendly dig at Mr Bill. See the video. Mrs Rodham gets a chuckle and looks at S-I-L.

Clinton is the 67th Secretary of State and the 15th from New York.

February 02, 2009
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC

(Applause.) Thank you all very much. Thank you. It is an overwhelming honor to be sworn in to assume this position on behalf of our country. I thank my dear friend, Vice President Biden, and I thank President Obama for investing the trust and confidence in me during a particularly challenging time in our nation’s history. I look out and see so many friends and colleagues. I particularly want to thank the Speaker and the Majority Leader, Speaker Pelosi and Leader Reid for being here and for providing the leadership that you both are doing in the Congress.

I also want to thank my colleagues in government and my former partners in the Congress. I am very grateful to all the members of the House who are here today, and particularly those with whom I served over eight wonderful years who represent New York. And I’m very grateful to all of you.

And to my friends in the Senate, I see the faces of people with whom I have shared so much, and I am deeply grateful to each and every one of you. But I have to single out the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee who, after all, presided over my confirmation, for which I am very grateful, Senator Kerry. (Laughter and Applause.)

[I would laugh at that line as well! – Susan] And I look forward to working with all of you, particularly the appropriators – (laughter) – who are here this afternoon. We have a lot of work to do and it is such important work that lies ahead. I also want to thank two wonderful friends of mine, governors, Governor Corzine from New Jersey, and Governor O’Malley from Maryland who are here. (Applause.)

And I am particularly honored to have four of my predecessors with us today. I have sought their advice and their counsel and I have to publicly thank each and every one of them. With us today, Secretary Kissinger and Secretary Baker and Secretary Eagleburger and, of course, my dear friend and fellow Wellesley alum Secretary Albright. (Applause.) And I also want to thank Secretary Rice and Secretary Powell and Secretary Shultz, with whom I had a wonderful visit just last week when he came to the seventh floor, and Secretary Haig – all of the former secretaries of state who have been so generous with their time. And I think I can predict I will be asking for advice as we move forward.

Because this ceremony takes place at a real hinge of history time, there is so much that lies ahead in terms of challenges, but also opportunities. When I came into this building for the first time a week or so ago now, I told the assembled State Department employees, and then repeated it again at USAID, that we are all on the same team, and it is America’s team. And we have, in the leadership of President Obama, someone who wants us to reach out to the world, to do so without illusions, understanding that the difficulties we face will not be wished away, but meeting them forthrightly and smartly, and that we want to seize the opportunities that exist as well.

I talked in my confirmation hearings about smart power. Well, smart power relies on smart people, and we have an abundance of them in this building and at USAID. But I’ve also told my teammates in the State family that we’re going to have to be smarter about how we do what we must for our country. There are many ways that we can improve on what we do on a daily basis. And I want to work with my friends in Congress on behalf of our Administration to really look for those efficiencies and those changes that will make what we do more effective, more cost-effective, so that we can be out there around the world delivering America’s message, certainly doing all we must to protect and defend our security, but also advancing our interests and furthering our values.

So for me, this has been an amazing personal journey. As Joe laughingly referenced, neither one of us thought that we would be standing here together, doing what we are now doing together. Life has a funny way of unfolding and politics is even stranger. So we are joined in this incredible mission on behalf of our President and our country. And it’s one where it’s not only those of us holding positions, whether elected or appointed, must perform to the very best of our ability. We’re asking everyone in our country to think about how each of you can make a contribution so that we ensure that America’s future is even brighter than our storied past.

I’m excited by seeing so many familiar faces. There are friends in this audience who have known me my entire life. And there is the next generation, you know, my niece and my two nephews who are here. I get up every morning thinking about what I must do to make this world of ours safer and more prosperous and to make our country all that it can be. As difficult as the times are, I am an optimist. I believe that we can do what we set our minds to do. And so it is the power of our ideals and the intelligence and dedication of our people.

I could not be standing here before you today without all of you, but in particular, the three people who stand with me on this stage. It’s literally true I wouldn’t be here without my mother. (Laughter.) And so I – (applause) – I’m especially delighted that she can be with me. And to my daughter, who I am just bursting with maternal pride over, but who I look to also for advice and, frankly, for some cultural cues that I might otherwise miss. (Laughter.)

And finally, to my husband, who understands so well the awesome responsibilities resting on the shoulders of President Obama and Vice President Biden and all of us who serve with them. I am so grateful to him for a lifetime of all kinds of experiences – (laughter) – which have given me a – (applause) – which have given me an extraordinary richness that I am absolutely beholden to and grateful for.

So now, let me thank Gladys and her crackerjack protocol operation that put this together. We had to schedule it around two schedules that were hard to mesh: Vice President Biden and Chelsea Clinton. (Laughter.) When we finally got a time when both of them could be in the same place, we rushed to fill it. (Laughter.) So if you’re wondering why you didn’t get an invitation until Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday, it’s because we just had to make sure that we had the main people here.

But I do want to greet all of you individually, and obviously, my family wants to say hello as well. So we’re hard at work already, and we’re working hard with a great team of people here in this building and at USAID. And we’re looking forward to fulfilling the excitement and the promise that the Obama Administration represents here at home and around the world.

Thank you all very, very much.


David Letterman: “Joaquin, sorry you couldn’t be here tonite”

February 13, 2009

February 12, 2009

Now this was one weirded out interview. Joaquin Phoenix was supposed to be promoting his new movie but he couldn’t set up the clip or even remember who is co-star was – Gwyneth Paltrow. At first I thought he was preparing for a new role as the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski with his unkempt hair and beard and dark sunglasses. All he was missing was the grey hooded sweatshirt.

I couldn’t believe when Dave came right out and said: What can you tell us about your days with the Unabomber?

Phoenix: A stare and a little smile.

Dave: Here’s my hope that after some time off (he’s working on his hip hop music), and I think you’re taking a little time off tonite – I’m hopeful you’ll come back to acting because there’s no one better.


Dave: What will you do now?

Phoenix: I’ve been working on my music.

Dave asked him if it’s like the music in “Walk the Line”.

Phoenix: No. No. I do hip hop music.

Phoenix: What do you – what do you have them (the audience) on?

Dave: I’m sorry. I’m sorry – what did you say?

Phoenix: What do you gas them up with? Is nitrous kicking around…

[Sean Combs said in an interview that Phoenix acts that way when he’s with him. Evidently they are working together.]

Dave: Have any fun stories to tell us?

Phoenix: Blank stare and shakes his head.

Dave turns his head and giggles.

Dave asks him to set up the clip and Paul starts laughing.

Phoenix: You’re doing fine.

Dave: Thanks. High praise coming from you.

Phoenix: Unintelligible. He meant what’s going on.

Dave: We’re just having fun here.

Phoenix starts pumping his leg, staring at Dave: That’s fun?

Dave: I’ll come to your house and chew gum.

Phoenix: Ok, I don’ have to. Takes it our and sticks it under the desk and puts his hands up. I won’t have to chew the gum.

Dave: No, just relax.

Dave: And Joaquin, sorry you couldn’t be here tonite.

Phoenix actually smiles. He’s funny. He’s funny. He’s a funny dude.

I found this all very sad considering how his brother River died. I hope he’s gotten someone’s attention.

technorati censorship day #56

February 13, 2009

February 13, 2009

Blogger site

no ping since 12/19
396 posts not indexed
no response from support

WordPress site

no ping since 2/11
17 posts not indexed
no response from support

Mika’s quote of the day: “That’s awkward…ya pigs”

February 13, 2009

February 12, 2009

Morning Joe
“News You Can’t Use”

They discussed “SI One” the Boeing 737 that has Bar Raefeli’s picture wrapped around the plane. (Her boyfriend is Leonardo DiCaprio.) They then showed the Sports Illustrated cover, where she is wearing a very skimpy bikini.

Willie: Just in case you couldn’t see it close enough – I think we have a copy of the magazine. Just to make sure we drive the point home. Do we have the cover of the magazine?

Willie and Barnicle leer into the camera.

Barnicle: What.

Mika: Yeah. Ok.

Barnicle: Ohh

Willie: There it is.

Mika: Uhm.

Willie: That’s her from a [his voice goes higher] different angle.

Mika: Right.

Barnicle: Is Rick Reilly [sports writer] in that issue? Grins like a lecher and shifts in his seat.

Willie: Who cares!

Pregnant pause.

Mika: Alright. That’s awkward. Uhm, it’s the top of the hour, ya pigs.

Barnicle: What??

Joe: I have one thing – I have one thing to say to that: Oink.

That’s the most honest thing he’s ever said. He doesn’t seeming to be ailing from the Irish flu this morning.

Mika shakes her head with an open mouth: Yeah.

Joe: Let’s go to news with Mika Brzezinski.

Barnicle: That’s harsh.

Joe: That is harsh.

Mika makes a goofy face: You’re just idiots. You’re just ooo and then there’s this awkward silence because you realize you’re on television.

Camera shifts to Barnicle and Willie who, by the way, sit unnaturally close to each other and Barnicle’s face is all flushed and he’s licking his lips. Willie would make a very convincing transvestite.

Willie: It’s news Mika – it’s news.

Mika laughs.

Joe: No. My awkward silence – we-we weren’t thinking we were on television, actually.

Mika: Yes, I know.

Joe:…there was that silence, Mika.

Mika: That’s correct. I was trying to help ya. You just have no filter, do you?

Willie: Mika has the news – she’s very talented.

Joe: Here’s Mika with the news. Got-got that picture? And he rolls himself off camera to look at it.

Giggling off camera.

Crew of Flight 1549 appearances

February 13, 2009

February 12, 2009


Flight 1549 passenger, Emma Sophina sings “Send Another Prayer”

February 12, 2009

February 9, 2009


David Letterman: Crew of Flight 1549 (homemade video)

February 12, 2009

February 12, 2009


Larry King: 1549 Flight Crew, passengers & rescuers (CNN video links)

February 12, 2009

February 11, 2009


Larry King: Flight 1549 passengers react to cockpit tape

February 12, 2009

February 11, 2009

Larry King: Crew of Flight 1549, passengers and rescuers (Transcript)

February 12, 2009

February 11, 2009


Drew Peterson “fiance” has moved back in

February 11, 2009

Updated: Drew Peterson posts (5-9)

February 11, 2009

Yes. The Drew Peterson madness continues.

Alleged fiance, fiance, engagement was all a publicity stunt, moved out, Dr Phil, The Early Show and now, just in time for Valentine’s Day, she’s moved in again. Problem is between the time she moved out and moved back in – she went before the Grand Jury. This is not even close to being funny.

Don’t have time now but will find the old drafts and post them. God help those children.

Did Sully get an offer to pilot this?

February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009


FLIGHT 1549: Doreen Welsh

February 11, 2009


Larry King: Crew of Flight 1549 (Transcript)

February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009 (more…)

Larry King: Crew of Flight 1549 Part 2 (video)

February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009


Flight 1549 passenger Emma Sophina signs record deal

February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009


And the winning canine is…

February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009

133rd Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show winner

Sussex Spaniel, “Stump”


Who says pets don’t look like their owners?

Alice Kneavel comforts her Irish Wolfhound " Quest" backstage during the 133rd Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show at Madison Square Garden February 9, 2009 in New York City.

(Chris McGrath/ Getty) Alice Kneavel & her Irish Wolfhound ” Quest”
Shannon Scheer grooms her Old English Sheepdog " Iggy" backstage during the 133rd Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show at Madison Square Garden February 9, 2009 in New York City. The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is considered the most important in the United States.

(CHRIS MCGRATH/Getty) Shannon Scheer & her Old English Sheepdog “Iggy” [apt]

A Chow Chow waits to be groomed backstage during the 2009 Westminster Kennel Club dog at Madison Square Garden in New York on February 9, 2009.

(TIMOTHY A. CLARY, AFP/GETTY) Unidentified Chow Chow

A handler talks to his Bichons Frises during the 133rd Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show at Madison Square Garden February 9, 2009 in New York City. The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is considered the most important in the United States.

(CHRIS MCGRATH/Getty) Unidentified Bichons Frises

Where do you put the quarter to get it to move?

Update (2-11): Flight 1549 crew appearances

February 11, 2009

February 10, 2009
